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OPSRF Announces RFP for Early Childhood Care & Education Capacity Grants


The Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Foundation (OPSRF) announces the opportunity to apply for Community Grants to Improve Quality and Access to Early Childhood Care and Education. These grants support enhancements to strengthen the early childhood care and education system in communities or regions of Oklahoma to benefit children, families, and communities. They are made possible through a federal Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five (PDG-B5). Awards are subject to the availability of funds and any modifications required by OPSRF.

The goals for this grant opportunity are to:   

  • Support locally-driven ideas and approaches to solve challenges related to access, availability, and quality of early childhood care and education for children birth to five, including workforce supports.   

  • Serve target populations including infants and toddlers, children living in households with low-income, children with special health care needs, and children at risk or in foster care.   

  • Identify successful strategies that can be implemented in other communities.  


Click Here to Download the Community Grant Budget Template

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